Indian Country, Lake Manitoba Ojhibwe First Nation

Manitoba Tepee Manufacturer View Basket

On the Shores of Lake Manitoba

The following teepee paintings were inspired by several 19th Century
pencil drawings made by an English visitor to Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Prices are for art works only, tipi covers are ordered separately here.
Colors and designs may be slightly different from those shown as each tipi shall be unique.

Plains Cree Traditional Teepee Artwork from Saskatchewan Plains Cree Style Artwork
14’....$ 530.00
16’....$ 576.00
18’....$ 628.00
20’....$ 696.00
22’....$ 756.00
24’....$ 827.00
Three Suns are painted on the cover

Traditional Cree Tepee - Copyright Assiniboine Tipis Lake Manitoba Teepee
14’....$ 504.00
16’....$ 548.00
18’....$ 597.00
20’....$ 662.00
22’....$ 719.00
24’....$ 786.00
The Eagle is painted on the back of the cover

Traditional Style Ojibway Teepee with Thunderbird- Copyright Assiniboine Tipis

Ojibway Thunderbird Teepee

14’....$ 450.00
16’....$ 500.00
18’....$ 555.00
20’....$ 617.00
22’....$ 685.00
24’....$ 760.00
One large thunderbird is painted on the back side of the tipi.


Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649 Lundar, Manitoba R0C1Y0
Phone: 204-762-5523
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