Native American Teepee Canada

Custom Tepee Artwork and Painting

Painted Logos & Custom Artwork

We can paint your own design and logo on a new teepee.
Below are a few examples of what has been done.
Cost varies with sizes, styles and quantities.
Send us you artwork for a quote

Chemawawin Cree Nation LogoBear Sanctuary Logo Milioane De PrietenMakonsag Logo
Jordan's Principle Little SaskatchewanAboriginal LogoBurntwood Regional Health Authority LogoAdventures 49 Logo
Peter Ballantine Cree NationTemiskaming Native Women's Support GroupMEEKEESEEWAUG AUHYUHWAUG AUGHGUMMEENG LogoGod's Lake Nation Jordan's Principle Logo
Stanley Mission River HawksIndian School Keethanow Elementary SchoolAboriginal Logo CanadaAmacwewespimawin Cree nation
Wapawikoscikamn School LogoWapanacak Community School LogoNative American Logo

Native American Customer's Logos

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Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649, Lundar, Manitoba R0C-1Y0
Phone: 204-762-5523
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