Native American Breastplates

Native Made Hairpipe Breastplate Iroquois Breastplate
In the old days, Indians wore bone hair pipe breastplate into battle. After the reservation period, Indians continued to wear the breastplate on occasions for which Indian dress was preferred - in traditional dances on their reservations, on visits to Washington, and in their appearances in Wild West shows.
ART11 - Iroquois Breastplate.... $ 176.00

Perctoral iroquois Iroquois Breastplate
Large breastplate, apprpox. 59 cm long, decorated with shell and claws (reproduction)
ART12 - Large Breasplate..... $ 285.00

Dance Breastplate Oglala Breastplate
From Pine Ridge (South Dakota), beautiful Oglala breastplate w. abalaone shell and deer antler buttons.
ART09 - Oglala Breastplate ...$ 325.00

Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649 Lundar, MB R0C1Y0
Phone: (204) 762-5523