The Porcupine Hair Roach

This particular headdress style derived from a roached hair cut, which involved shaving part of the head and leaving
a ridge of hair uncut. Roaches were fabricated with deer and porcupine hair so that the hair would stand erect in a crest.
Roaches were once worn by the tribes from forested areas like the Huron, Shawnee, Illinois, and by some tribes
of the Plains like the Minnesota and the Dakota. They were always highly valued because of their light weight
and the way they do not hinder warriors in battle. They are now adopted by nearly all tribes in North America and are
worn a large majority of dancers at powwows.

Coiffe huronne Old
Old Hair Roach
The North American Porcupine - Fotolia
The North American Porcupine - Fotolia

Traditional Roach Sticks
Authentic Sioux-Made Quilled Chokecherry Roach Sticks, Average 12" Long

PAR280 - Quilled Roach Stick.... $ 75.00

Quilled Roach stick PAR281 - Quilled Roach Stick.... $ 75.00

Traditional Quilled Roach Stick PAR282 - Quilled Roach Stick.... $ 75.00

Lakota Roach stick PAR283 - Quilled Roach Stick.... $ 75.00

Plains Indians Roach Stick PAR284 - Quilled Roach Stick.... $ 75.00

PAR285 - Quilled Roach Stick.... $ 75.00

Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649 Lundar, Manitoba R0C1Y0
Phone: (204) 762-5523