Public Collection - Indian Art Gallery Canada

Sioux Dance Sticks

Sioux Dance Stick
Spirit Horse Dance Stick
The horse played a very important role in changing the Native Americans' way of life. The horse allowed an individual to cover vast areas in a short amount of time and allowed them to extend their hunting range. The horse was instrumental in fighting the enemy. The horse became an ally to the warriors. Other than a warrior, the horse was the only creature that could earn an eagle feather for his deeds on the battlefield, or for raids. His bravery and strength were often discussed around the campfires, just as the those of a warrior were. Horses were used to establish social status as well - the more horses one owned, the richer he was. Horses were also important for trade purposes. Horses were imitated in special dances that are still done today. Some Sioux tribes still participate in Horse Society ceremonies.
ART85 - Horse Dance Stick - Approx. 50cm ... $ 65.00

One-leg Horse Dance Stick
Sioux Horse dance Stick
This dance stick was a tribute to a special horse who had died. The Sioux Horse Dance Stick was also a central object in the performance of the Sacred Horse Dance. This hand-carved wooden horse measures approximately 28 inches long and is decorated with leather, doe skin, horse hair, line beading, glass and metal beads, fur of various kinds and colors, metal spots and feathers. A hang tag with the Horse Dance Stick story accompanies this piece.
ART88 - Horse Dance Stick ... $ 95.00

Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649 Lundar, MB R0C1Y0
Phone: (204) 762-5523